I now know that I entered this life with one purpose. Freedom. Yet until recently that was not my experience. My life proved to be a series of trainwrecks of hopelessness and self hatred. Until one day, when I broke down. What was revealed to me then was more profound than anything I had ever experienced before. Something spoke to me, through every cell of my body. Even the air around me seemed to vibrate. I realized I had been running away from my Self, and decided that I would come Home no matter what, and stopped running. 2 years of pain followed, where I was faced with everything that I had neglected to feel - which literally was everything - throughout my life. I came to understand why my life was the way it was, and saw it as my own creation. I saw the motivations behind everything I did was a constant search for something to make me whole. To feel loved. Yet I protected myself through rage through all this time. Until just recently, when I saw that what I was protecting myself against was really a mirror for my innermost feelings about myself. The little "me" that was filled with so much hate, unworthiness, hopelessness and shame.
I let go. I realized I don't need to protect myself anymore, and the anger dissolved like the illusion it always was. I am naked, allowing all experiences completely into my Heart. Whatever conditioning is left is irrelevant, because it carries no identity anymore, and it burns away by itself while I rest in Being. The path that seemed such a struggle is appreciated as the celebration of Life that it is, and each moment is a blessing. I am thankful for all experiences, because they teach me to love always, in all ways, as I expand and feel the Extacy of Bliss in each Glorious Moment.
I AM Freedom. I AM Joy. I AM Love. I AM. Home.
I am not here to show you any method, technique or practice. At the same time, your True Self speaks to you always, in all ways, if you are willing to listen. I found my dreams to contain valuable insights to what was happening around me. A kind of burning away of all the knowledge and concepts that I have filled my head up with, and instead what is realized is that all Love is spontaneously expressed from the Truth of my Being. There is no effort to Be That which you already are. That which we all are. All of existence is manifested spontaneously and effortlessly through this One. In the realization of this, all your problems disappear instantly, and only the Joy and Celebration of Life That You Are remain. This is what I AM here to show you. Through this, I have found dreams to be of great value. While belief still remains in this fictitious person, the messages from your Soul are Clear and will show you the Truth behind those beliefs. Once the Truth is seen, beliefs fall away effortlessly, and often it seems quite ridiculous in hindsight, yet so much compassion arise for yourself and those who still believe what you believed. The game of humanity becomes a Joy, and the raw passion for expressing the Truth of your Being can not be contained under any circumstances. That is why I created this, and that is why you are here reading. I invite you to See clearly who you really are, and I am here to guide you and remove the crutches of your Being that keep you limited in all ways. While this illusion still keeps you shackled, one of the ways in which the Truth speaks to us is your dreams. Your Soul – which is really who you are – will speak to you in all ways, through every moment of every waking, and sleeping, hour. Most of the time it will seems like a lot of mumbo jumbo. There are many theories as to what dreams really are, and I am not here to say anything is wrong. I am here to show you how to truly listen and realize what your Soul – your True Self – is telling you. The nature of all experiences are emotional, that is actually why we are here, to experience all range of emotions in the play of life. It is the belief in those emotions that somehow eclipse the Truth from your perception, and this is the “foundation” for what is called the ego. I am worthless, hopeless, shameful, ugly, unworthy… The list can be long. Ironically, it is the belief and resistance to the mirror of these feelings that perpetuate the existence of that ego. Dreams show you experiences through feelings, just as your waking state, and the visual part often seem quite exaggerated in comparison to what the waking state might offer. Yet most of the time we remember the feelings. We wake up and say “Oh, I had a nightmare.” Or the like. What I will show you is nothing that you are not already. It is no special technique that gives you a magical wand that will unlock life’s mysteries. It is merely listening to your feelings with absolute intimacy, completely allowing their expression. Then you will see that what was really resisted was the wisdom that was already there.
The Freedom that you were seeking will reveal itself as what you already are.