Through the eyes of a child, the world appears as innocent, joyous play. It knows not to take everything so seriously, and the only thing that seems interesting are things that are deemed "fun." It shares everything in its presence, not seeing distinction of ownership, Being in constant flow of abundance. It Loves everyone without a reason, unprovoked and without history. It doesn't care what happened 5 minutes ago, and is fully immersed in the experience of the NOW, completely vulnerable to whatever emotional experiences the moment brings. Be it a flood of tears or waves of laughter, it knows no judgment. The purity is in the experience, its power is complete acceptance.
Somehow we have turned the most natural flow of experiencing upside down, and try to teach children how to play. Everything is "therapeutic," modelled to the current world view of what a larger version of these children should act like, know, and supposedly want. But children aren't here to learn from us. They never were. They are here to expand the horizons of the Universe. They know little tolerance of limitations, and slice through these as the Sword of Truth that they are. The Light they are is too big to fit into a box. It was never intended to, and now the Awareness of Gaia is at a level where the snowball is too big for any tyrant to stop. They will simply be sucked into the Swirling Vortex and embraced by the Light themselves - and what a blessing that is, for like everyone else that is where they are longing to go. So let these little big Dreamers dream a dream where humanity one day wakes up from its slumber, and knows itself as the Infinite Love that lives in All.
If you truly want to know your Self, see yourself through the eyes of a child.